The Complete Guide to Theory and Mapping for the Hammered Dulcimer by Ken Kolodner with Mary Lynn Michal
This book is a pre-requisite for all of Mary Lynn's students, and is the textbook for HD Homeland's year-long theory class (225 students in 2021) Find out more about Mastering Theory in 2022. " This [book] covers all the bases! It [is] an invaluable resource—complete & concise." |
Online Classes and Workshops at HD Homeland:
Sign up for free at HD Homeland so you don't miss our class announcements. Our signature classes: Mastering Theory Sharpen Your Skills, and Tunes That Groove are available for year-round enrollment. Each class lasts a year, and lessons are available to you permanently. |
Out from the Shadows
Mary Lynn Michal & Ken Kolodner with Elke Baker, Robin Bullock, Rachel Eddy, Brendan Hearn, and Charlie Pilzer Buy a CD or download Ken Kolodner & Mary Lynn Michal in performance |
Coming Soon
Book a retreat at Sassafras Ridge |